There will be Day of Prayer and Fellowship on Sunday, 21 September. The theme for prayer and reflection is "Living in God's Presence."

The day's programme is:
8.30am -- Gathering / breakfast
9.00am -- Opening prayer
9.30am -- Individual prayer (with pointers)
10.30am -- Tea
11.00am -- Small group sharing
12.00pm -- Examen/Community Prayer
12.30pm -- Lunch and interaction1.45pm -- Film
3.15 pm -- Personal Reflection
3.30 pm -- Small Group Sharing
4.15 pm -- Tea
4.45 pm -- Big Group: Feedback and discussion/input
5.30 pm -- Mass
6.15pm -- Good Bye
You are most welcomed to come and some time to deepen your friendship with God by dialoguing with and listening to Him.
Please contact Fr Philip Heng, SJ so that we can make the necessary arrangements if you are coming.